100 more teen girls ready to join the Crittenton family
Crittenton cannot grow fast enough to meet the needs of teen girls in our community. The good news is that we are ready to take a big step forward and expand our circle of support to reach 100 more teens this coming school year. The only thing stopping us: resources.
To overcome this challenge, we have launched a new community-initiative to increase the money to raise opportunity for teen girls. Help us reach our goal by giving to the 100 Bright Futures campaign.
This coming school year, Crittenton will increase the number of teen girls we are able to reach in District Wards 5, 7, and 8. We will launch an expansion of our Montgomery County programs to reach teens in the Eastern part of the county. Crittenton is also moving from pilot to fully-fledged program of our Peer Advocates initiative – student leaders in schools.
The sum total of all of this growth will be 100 more teens (600 hundred Crittenton teens total) who will be working hard to envision, plan for, and make reality their own bright future.
Already, a coalition of public and private support has accelerated our ability to fund our campaign. But it will take the entire Crittenton Community to help us fully fund the 100 Bright Futures campaign.
Be part of a growing crowd of supporters ready and willing to cheer on more teen girls to reach their potential.
For more information on the 100 Bright Futures campaign, please contact Megan Rognrud at mrognrud@crittentonservices.org