Purchase individual tickets herE
(Act fast, limited space available)
Catholic University of America, Edward J. Pryzbyla Center
11:30 AM-12:00 PM Pre-Event Networking, 12:00 PM-1:30 PM Program & Panel Discussion, 1:30-1:50PM Scholarship Presentation
This event boasts a strong tradition of elevating the important opinions and voices of our teen girls. Industry leaders in finance, business, government, public health, and philanthropy will have the chance to hear from Crittenton girls about the issues impacting them and how adults can show up, support, and make a difference in their lives. This event also provides necessary exposure for our junior and senior girls to a diverse group of the region’s top executives and opens them up to career paths or internship opportunities.
Check out a snippet from last year!

Purchase individual tickets herE
(Act fast, limited space available)
sponsorship opportunities
FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO SECURE A SPONSORSHIP, contact Abby Saturni: (301)565-9333 or asaturni@crittentonservices.org.

- Recognition as a Platinum sponsor on all promotional, marketing and program materials
- Premier Logo placement on Crittenton’s website and link to you company website
- Reserved seating for two tables (8 guests)
- Opportunity to introduce Keynote/Guest speaker
- Recognition as a Gold sponsor on all promotional, marketing and program materials
- Premier Logo placement on Crittenton’s website and link to you company website
- Reserved seating for two tables (8 guests)
- Recognition as a Silver sponsor on all promotional, marketing and program materials
- Premier Logo placement on Crittenton’s website and link to you company website
- Reserved seating for six (6) guests
- Recognition as a Bronze sponsor on all promotional, marketing and program materials
- Premier Logo placement on Crittenton’s website
- Reserved seating for four (4) guests
- Recognition as a Friend sponsor on all promotional, marketing and program materials
- Premier Logo placement on Crittenton’s website
- Reserved seating for two (2) guests
- Recognition as an Advocate sponsor on all promotional, marketing and program materials
- Premier Logo placement on Crittenton’s website
- Reserved seating for one (1) guests